Wednesday, September 24, 2014

2601 days to get appointment:Daily Sun

  The creation of a post in government service takes 1506 days. Another 1095 days are needed to fill up these new posts or old vacant positions. In other words, it takes more than 2601 days or 86 months or 7 years from creation of a new post to giving final appointment to that post. Thirty ministries and divisions have informed the secretary committee of this. The committee had sat in a meeting wi
th the information on Monday. It is learnt that this depression has resulted in the job market due to administrative deadlock and political lobbying. And because of this various social problems including unemployment are being created, according to the opinion of secretaries. To get out of this situation time limit will be fixed as to how much time will be spent for creating a post at which stage. The secretaries committee was constituted under the directive of the Prime Minister to fill up the vacant posts, creation of new posts, formulation of strategy for expediting appointment process to these posts and taking necessary steps. Headed by the cabinet secretary, other members of the committee are senior secretary of public administration ministry, senior secretary of Prime Minister office (PMO), finance secretary, health secretary, legislative secretary and education secretary. They will have to hold several more meetings to find out the reasons behind the problems and work out the method of resolving these. The recommendations will be presented to the Prime Minister immediately after the Eid-ul-Azha. After the formation of the committee on April 24 last enquiry was made with all ministries and divisions as to where is the problem in appointment to government jobs. They were asked to return a form after filling it within ten days to the public administration ministry. Thirty ministries sent there opinion after two months. Documents of various ministries and department show that 455 days are needed for a ministry to take decision on the proposal forwarded by subordinate departments seeking creation of posts. Later, the ministry sends the file with recommendation to the public administration ministry which is empowered to create the posts. The organisation and management wing under the public administration ministry takes 365 days to accomplish its task. At this stage, the file is sent to the finance ministry for its approval. The two wings of this ministry take 540 days. After being approved by three ministries, the matter needs clearance of the secretary-level committee on administrative development. It takes 86 days to complete its activities. Then the matter waits for government order (GO). It takes another 60 days. An officer who attended the meeting on Monday said maximum 1506 days are needed for creation of a post. Average duration of creating a post is less than the above-mentioned time. The post of Cabinet Division Secretary (Coordination) was created within two days. But he said exception is an example. He further said taking 1506 days for creating a post is not acceptable at all. It is unbelievable. “After attending the meeting on Monday, it seemed to me that nothing is possible in this country,” he said. If 1500 days are taken to create a vacancy, it will take 1095 days to give appointment. It is not possible to give appointment before three years of publishing job circular. The reason behind this is the lobbying of the ministers and MPs. The ministers and MPs issue DO letters seeking appointment of their chosen candidates in every post. He said a ministry published advertisement seeking peon and MLSS. At that time, 20 DO letters were issued as against five posts. Of the DO letters, five were issued by the ministers. As the requests could not be entertained, the recruitment procedure was suspended. A secretary raised question about the recruitment under food directorate at the meeting on Monday. He said it took 7 years to complete the recruitment procedure under the directorate. A circular was issued to appoint food inspectors during the BNP-Jamaat regime in 2004. The procedure was completed in 2011. Later, Awami League government recruited the 3rd and 4th staffs. It took more than three years to accomplish the appointment. When asked about Monday’s meeting, Mosharraf Hossain Bhuiyan, Cabinet Secretary told Kaler Kontho, “It takes more time to create new posts for different reasons. Secretary Committee was formed to identify ways to reduce it. The committee will place the recommendations to the Prime Minister. More meetings will be held to prepare the final recommendations. We hope that we will be able to submit the recommendations to the PM next month. For creating job posts it will take time. We will advice the PM to fix the time. For separate Service Commission, we could not reach at a decision. Discussion about the matter is going on.” An official who was present at the meeting said that the meeting detected 20 reasons for the delay in creating posts. The reasons are: After receiving no objection from the implementation wing of the ministry, it is sent to another implementation wing of the same ministry for vetting further. So it takes time for getting separate approval from two implementation wings of the same ministry. The proposal sent by the Ministry of Administration was not full-fledged. Information of proposal was not updated. There is lack of necessary manpower for job creation process. Those officials who are involved in the job creation process they have no training. It will require permission from the Prime Minister and President after the approval from the secretary committee relating to administrative development. Concerned ministry cannot deliver the office order for job creation. To create post for assistant secretary, senior assistant secretary and deputy secretary separate approvals are needed to be taken from three wings of the Ministry of Public Administration. The meeting reviewed the appointment of personnel. Ismat Ara Sadek, State Minister for Public Administration said, “There are 2,29,000 vacant posts under the present government.” When asked about the delay in appointment, an official said that there is explanation in the opinion sent by 30 ministries on the issue. The recommendations sent by different ministries mentioned that if there are no qualified candidates in the ministries the appointment to the vacant posts is kept in abeyance. It takes more time to get certificates of medical fitness and police verification for getting appointment. Allocation is not made for meeting the viva-voce examination expenditure. Another problem is to rent educational institutions for holding written examination. Many examinations were halted due to cases. Some posts are not filled due to long process. Time is wasted for forming coordination committee with the representatives of different ministries for taking viva-voce examination. It also takes time to examine the FF certificate for appointment under FF quota. It takes time to keep different quota in right direction. Besides, if recommendation of Public Service Commission is required, it takes 730 days, a source of the ministry said. Under this circumstance, different ministries and department have recommended for reviewing quota system. Recommendation has been made to make appointments following merit list only. It has been said that police investigation report should be expedited. Opinion has also been received that complication will be reduced if there is scope for online application. It has also been recommended for introducing pool system like educational institutions. A ministry has proposed to cancel the clearance letter in case of appointing manpower. Proposal has been made to go for police verification after the appointment. A proposal has been made for the regulation of giving direct appointment if eligible candidates are not found for the promotion of second class posts. The officials said appointment is delayed for the regulation and files lie idle year after year. The appointment process is also delayed due to sub rule. Seeking anonymity a secretary said a government assumes office for five years. But it would not be possible to complete the appointment process within this time while ministers and lawmakers become active when posts are created. Mentioning the name of a minister of grand alliance government, the secretary said the minister was keen to appoint all like-minded people against 350 posts when the circular was published for a department under the ministry. For the first time, the secretary did not pay heed to the issue that all the chosen persons of the minister have to be given appointment to those posts. But finally he received a strict order of the minister that none can be appointed beyond the choice of the minister. At last, the matter was discussed at the forum of the secretary. And cooperation was taken from a minister of another ministry to resolve the crisis. Courtesy: Kaler Kantho

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