Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Why HR dealers are silent?:Daily Sun

Relatives mourn during the funeral of nine members of the Siam family, who were killed in an Israeli air strike that destroyed their house, on Monday in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip. AFP Photo During the unbridled onslaught against Gaza, Israeli Knesset member Ayelet Shaked said mothers of all Palestinians should also be killed during the raid. Her arrogant statement is enough to understand th
e mindset and policy of Israel. Comparing children with “small snakes,” Shaked said all mothers should be killed so that they cannot give birth to snakes in future. According to Palestine information ministry in Ramallah, Israel killed 1,518 children during a period from September 2000 to April 2013. That means, Israel killed one child in every three days. Besides, over 9,000 persons below 18 years were arrested by Israel during this time. More than 7,000 people were killed since September 2000. The conflict claimed over 1,100 Israeli citizens. Death toll in the recent spate of Israeli attack is on the rise. The aggression of Israel is nothing but genocide but the western human rights organisations and their staffs are turning a blind eye to the Israeli act of crimes against humanity. Israel is playing sports with blood at the behest of some western countries including the USA amid failure of the UN to tackle the situation and silence and inaction of the divided Arab. But these western countries and their HR defenders become very critical in every trifling issue in the third world countries. They sell human rights from country to country. They tend to be serious in weighing their relations with other countries in terms of human rights. They attach importance to human rights issues in maintaining relations with other countries. On the pretext of world conscience, they sometimes make such statement which excels the limit of interfering in the internal matters of other countries. Where does the conscience of those countries stand today? Why are they silent despite Israeli aggression for year after year? The organisations like Human Rights Watch pressurize Bangladesh on various issues. But they are quite indifferent towards the aggression being committed by Isreal. The Western media are vocal on human rights issue of different countries. Questions have arisen about the role of Western media after the Israeli aggression against Gaza. In his criticism against their pro-Israel role online-based Mint Press News founder and chief editor Minar Muhaes has not hesitated to point finger at Western media. He clearly said, major media outlets of the West are hiding the facts about onslaught and violence of Israel in Gaza. He has analysed the news headlines of some influential media of US. The headline of New York Times report was “Death toll risen in Gaza as Hamas hits new targets in Israel.” Minar Muhaes said, “Instead of telling that Israel is launching the bomb attacks to punish all and in fact killing the civilians, that reports held Hamas responsible for the killing of Palestine people.” The headline of the US-based Los Angeles Times was ‘Palestinian rockets reach further into Israel’. Minar Muhaes said, “Nobody of Israel was killed by home-made missile attack,” the statement quoted this. But the newspaper has failed to mention the news of killing of some 50 woman and children in Gaza by Israeli missile financed by America. Last Sunday, Washington Post, a daily newspaper of United States, headlined ‘Two Israeli armies were killed in Gaza.’ In the same news item the second headline was ‘The death toll reached 330 for beefing up Hamas attack.’ Minar Muhaes believes that independent and alternative mass communications organizations for the last five years termed Israel as a trouble-maker state. In this regard western mass communications are lagging behind. The westerners do not raise question about US relations with the Isreal. International affairs analyst Dr M Shahiduzzaman told Kaler Kontho, “Western countries always consider international relations on realistic angle and judge morality as a national interest.” He said, “Barak Obama before becoming US President talked about human rights several times. But now he has no way but to support Israel. Here Obama is considering national interest besides morality because most of the Americans support Isreal though some people criticized the Isreali attack on Gaza.” Dr M Shahiduzzaman said that now Arab world is divided. Saudi Arabia and Egypt do not like Hamas so they support any initiative against Hamas. Dr M Shahiduzzaman believes that genocide is going on in Palestine by the Isreali army. Ceasefire will not be effective there immediately. Israel wants to destroy Hamas tunnels in Gaza. He said Hamas guerillas will start war after Israeli troops reached into Gaza. National Human Rights Commission Chairman Dr Mizanur Rahman told Kaler Kontho, “Super powers are maintaining double standard role. They have been playing dual role. The super powers are providing support to Israel when Israel is violating human rights by attacking on innocent people of Gaza. He also said, “The activities of US and Britain have proved that they are doing this for political and economic gain.” Dr Mizanur Rahman said. “At the same time there is a civil society in the country. Their attitude is like that of the influential countries. They are run by the funding of the Westerners.” They draw attention if there is any human rights violation or any internal matters of the country. But they remain silent at the extreme moment of humanity in Gaza. Such civil society of the third world country works in favour of the Westerners as they follow the Westerners remaining silent during the atrocious attack on the people of Gaza. Executive director of Bangladesh Human Rights Foundation advocate Elina Khan said this is nothing new as the United Nations, Security Council and its permanent member states countries remain silent when any specialised nation-state like Israel or USA launches attacks on somewhere. She said the Western countries are silent despite Israel killed 400 children in Gaza by attacks. There is no impact in the so-called influential states although Israel attacked Gaza and killed many that touched the humanity of the whole world. The main reason is that national interests are behind them. She said if they protest against any human rights violation then it has to be understood that they have some interests. The whole world could understand that Russia and USA both had some interests on Syria issue for which they had engaged with the issue. Diplomatic sources said the political parties of Bangladesh have unique stand regarding the rights of the people of Palestine. Bangladesh has no diplomatic relations with Israel. Bangladesh strongly condemns the atrocious Israeli attack. At the same time, Bangladesh hopes that the Western countries will show their respect towards humanity.

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