Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Economy of sea will enrich country:Daily Sun

 Many countries of the world do not have their own sea, or the geographic reality to expand their economies by utilizing the sea-beds. Whereas politics and economy of the world in coming days will roll around the sea. 80 per cent of present day world�s trade is carried on through sea routes, most of which is in India and pacific areas. In that perspective, Bangladesh is one of the countries of rar
e luck. We are in possession of important region of geo-strategic significance like the Bay of Bengal. The fate of this country and this nation may be changed if the huge minerals and other resources can be properly utilized. Side by side, the door of another prospect will open if the sea-based tourism of this region can be flourished. But the preparations of Bangladesh over �economy of blue sea�- the new horizon of change in the country is very little. According to experts, this preparations must have to be taken. Because, sea economy and politics will be the life-line of Bangladesh in coming days. Once, the government and people concerned with it could not move through most parts of the sea. After the settlement of maritime dispute with Myanmar and India Bangladesh has been able to establish sovereigns authority over more than 1,18,813 square km of territorial sea, 200 nautical miles of paramount economic zone and all resources of sea-bed of continental shelf from Chittagong coast up to 345 nautical miles. So, after the resolution of the sea dispute with the two countries Bangladesh can now easily dream of turning round. In this regard, the secretary of sea affairs unit of foreign ministry Rear admiral (retd) Md. Khurshed Alam told this correspondent, �Technology is essential to collect sea resources. Along with that research and survey are needed. But in the past never any research or study were carried out- there is no ultra modern technology for collection and lifting of mineral resources. There are 435 spices of fish in the sea. But our boats and ships can go only up to 20 to 50 km to catch fish. Adequate technological advancement is necessary for collection of maritime resources. Besides, research and study are needed. Marine expert Nur Mohammad said the assets in the land will decay gradually resulting in dependence on the sea alone. Myanmar appears to have understood the matter. Bangladesh remains silent except the issue of oil and gas blocks. Our sea is pregnant with more resources which should be identified by immediate survey. After having the resources discovered, its proper use has to be determined. Academic knowledge on �maritime� is needed in this regard. About 80 percent of economic activities are being held over the sea. In the latest development, the term �blue sea economy� has come forward centering maritime resources like fish, oil and gas. The powerful countries turned adamant to keep sea under control. Such preparation on the part of Bangladesh is very poor. Defense experts said the country having control over the Bay will dominate South Asia. As such, the mega powers are chalking out plan to establish their supremacy in the sea. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina directed 19 ministries to survey the existence of fisheries, minerals and navigation potentials in the Bay. It is assumed that huge maritime resources are hidden in our sea. The US Geological Survey Department shows 8.5 trillion cubic feet (TCF) gas remains in the continental shelf. It is not any latest statistics. Conoco-Phillips says 5 TCF gas is reserved in block nos 10 and 11 alone. After getting lease of the two blocks, the company is trying to get more blocks. Indian company ONGC and Australian-Singapore joint venture company KrisEnergy got lease of one block each. Not only gas but also heavy minerals are presumably reserved in the sea. Eight of those include ilmenite, titanium oxide, rutile, zircon, garnet and cobalt. The navigation value of the Bay is very high. The volume of export and import worth $ 26 billion by 2,600 ships takes place via the Chittagong and Mongla ports annually. Around $ 6 billion is paid for ship fare. Only 38 ships are engaged in the carriage currently. But such number was 70 in the previous year. Instead of increasing, the number of ships declined. If the goods can be carried by local ships, the country will get the whole amount of $ 6 billion. Besides, the carrying cost will be low. The promotion of this sector will result in development of other fields like shipping agency, freight-forwarding and bank and insurance. But the country�s successive governments were indifferent towards the navigation value of sea. The incumbent Awami League for the first time took initiative. It constructed an inland container terminal in Pangaon in Narayanganj. If the terminal can operate its function in full swing, carrying cost will reduce by 30 percent. Bangladesh is now in advanced position compared to other nations. New ships are being built in the country. Bangladesh stands at 13 th position in terms of ship building industry. Bangladesh produces some 24.8 percent of all ships across the globe. Various government departments of the country opined that the economy of the country will be highly benefited if coastal regions especially coastal areas of Chittagong and Cox�s Bazar are properly utilised for this industry. Thailand collects sea fish worth $ 8 billion every year as some six lakh fishermen are directly involved with this profession while the rate of catching sea fish is scanty in Bangladesh in comparison with Thailand. The fishermen of Thailand catch fish from the maritime boundary of Bangladesh using developed trawlers. Every year some 800 million metric tonnes of fish are caught from the areas of the Bay of Bengal. But the fishermen of Bangladesh are incapable of catching even one percent of fish resources due to lack of developed ships and modern technologies. Apart from this, there is no survey of Bangladesh by which Bangladesh can learn what types of fish are available in which areas of the Bay of Bengal. In such a way, the fishermen of the country go for catching fish applying their own experiences. It has been learnt that the fishermen of the country usually catch fish using small boats within 30 kilometres of the shallow areas of the sea. Some 30 lakh fishermen are engaged in fishing through 60 thousand small trawlers in the Bay of Bengal. As there is no industrial fishing trawler, the country is not being able to earn money from the fish resources using 200 nautical miles of the sea. It is not only possible to earn billon dollars by catching fish from the sea but also the country can export fish related food items. Food can be produced from fish as well as different medicines from fish or sauce can be produced from fish. Such types of products can be exported abroad. The Number of the tourists across the world is around 90 crore right now. It is assumed that the number will stand at 160 crore by 2020. Tourism experts said that 73 percent of the total tourists will prefer to visit Asian countries. According to the World Tourism Organization, this sector will create employment for around 29 crore and 70 lakh people by 2018 which will contribute 10.5 percent to world�s economy. But, Bangladesh has little preparations on it. Among the 176 countries, Bangladesh ranked 142nd in tourism sector on the basis of direct contribution to the country�s GDP. World Tourism Association cited that the number of tourists is quite few in Bangladesh than the other countries of South Asia. But, Bangladesh has so many eye-catching tourism sites including the longest sea beach of the world in Cox�s Bazar. If proper plan on making this site as world class tourist site are taken, the entire scenario of the country would be changed and number of foreign tourists will also be increased significantly. Surprisingly, no special arrangement for foreign tourist in Cox�s Bazar has been made since last 40 years. Seabed is predominantly considered as the super place of resources such as gas, oil, energy and other valuable materials. Sea is also the source of Phosphorus, Evaporate, Polymetallic, Sulfide, Manganese Nodules, Gas Hydrate, Magnesium and Salt. Concerned people said that half of the Magnesium has been collected from Sea. Besides, it is also possible to collect renewable energy from Sea including power generation using air, wave and current of the sea. Marine therapeutic is also available in the sea which is used in drugs. Some 10 thousand compounds of drug elements are available in the sea but Bangladesh has no specific survey or research on it. Apart from this, if it is possible to produce salt applying high technology from sea, Bangladesh can export salt after meeting the local demand.

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